Who We Are

This website is the work of Sheila Stone Dill's extended family and friends.

More Information

Marc Elliot Hall has engaged in system development configuration management, and system architecture for nearly three decades. His software has been deployed on many hundreds of Unix and Windows servers conducting more than 13 trillion transactions and generating billions of dollars in revenues annually. His systems designs support tens of thousands of concurrent users scattered across the globe.

On the road to becoming a technial leader and systems architect, Marc was a writer and editor for a variety of education policy organizations. As the Internet became a household term, he finagled his way into a webmaster role, and eventually began developing software to configure and monitor systems distributed over four continents. Today, he manages a global team of technical professionals supporting multiple Fortune 1000 clients and designs infrastructure for the SMB market.

Among his numerous skills, Marc is an expert technical strategist, system architect, programmer, technical analyst, and team leader. Over the past 30 years, Marc has worked in education; not-for-profit; telecommunications; retail e-commerce; banking, brokerage, and financial services; healthcare; airline; hospitality; gaming; social media; and print media sectors.

You may also visit the El Dorado Tech web site or Hall Family web site.