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Heidi Harrison, Sheila Dill, and Andy Harrison at the Dill Home in Gardnerville

I always felt loved and accepted by Sheila! She was like another mother to me. I could always talk to her about anything. I appreciated her love and support through all the years I was with Andy! She was classy, funny, smart and kind.

Sheila was an incredible inspiration to me. I believe there was nothing she could not do. She was so talented. She played the piano beautifully and loved music. She learned how to play the harp! She made clothes, aprons, table runners & quilts that were colorful and unique! I will always treasure the items she made me.

She made homemade apple butter and jams! Her apple butter was my absolute favorite. I would stretch my jars as long as I could. At Christmas she made her famous fudge. You all remember the fudge!

She loved to cook. She could cook the most amazing food! On a visit to Oregon years ago she cooked the whole time we visited. I still have the recipes from the meals on that trip.

Sheila loved to bird watch & her love for birds rubbed off on me. When Andy and I would visit we would go look for the bald eagles nearby. Or we would jump in the car and look for great horned owls. That was a literal hoot. We found the owls every time and once it was a barn owl chased down the street and I got a photo of it before it disappeared. When she lived in Sparks we just walked out to her patio to watch the quail run along the fence or the finches at her feeder.

I always enjoyed playing board games or card games with Sheila. I enjoyed getting clobbered at Rummikub by Sheila. She was a champ at that game.

She was a wonderful mother to her boys. She loved them fiercely and was wonderful sharing them with her daughters-in-law. She loved Andy so much and was such a kind and loving person to him. I miss our talks. I am glad she knew how much she was loved. She was so easy to love. I miss her so much. But every time I see a dragonfly I think of her. When I see quail or great horned owls I think of her. She is in my heart now and for always.

- Heidi