Thank you for your interest in the life of Sheila Stone Dill.

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Stories of Sheila by Jan

When Dad first introduced Wayne and me to Sheila, I think they had already decided to get married and wanted us to know each other. So of course we went on a hike together. The hike started out well-enough. We hiked a few miles to Twin Lakes in the Sierra and then enjoyed lunch together.

The trip was fine and we liked Sheila well-enough. She wasn't bossy or weird, but Wayne "decided" to test her mettle (or scare her off?) by falling off a cliff, which required an extraction from a ledge over the lake and then a helicopter lift back to Fresno. Sheila was chosen to ride in the helicopter while Dad and I hiked out. I was a little jealous of both of them who got the helicopter ride.

Sheila told the story fairly recently and I learned that after she got to the hospital, she had to call her father to pick her up from this very interesting date. Since she was a very independent single woman, this was embarrassing for her. But she married Dad anyway. I remember reading a scripture with Wayne at the wedding and that Sheila was a beautiful bride and that the wedding was at Woodward Park and she made quiche and had strawberries for guests to eat.

Besides cooking for her wedding, I always remember that her cooking was an important part of visiting. She took pride in serving her guests great food. Often she would announce the special meal that she had planned.

Early on though, this did not go over as well as expected. We went to visit one time and she said, "I'm going to make rumaki." I learned that rumaki is a water chestnut surrounded by chicken liver, and wrapped in bacon. It was not my favorite food and I went home wondering what other "icky" food she was likely to subject us to. Rumaki was the last thing that she made that I did not think was fantastic. Everyone who visited (even picky children) looked forward to the food and the good company.

When Dad and Sheila moved from Eugene to Gardnerville, I remember that the house had no yard and I was a little sad for Sheila that she had left such a beautiful yard in Eugene and wondered how she would like living in Gardnerville. It wasn't long before I got my answer. She transformed the dirt into another beautiful retreat to enjoy. We could still watch birds, enjoy lush plants and beautiful flowers, as well as food from her bountiful garden.

I will always regret that circumstances forced a move for us after only a year of them living "close" in Gardnerville. So, we could no longer meet at Apple Hill or only be a short drive away. I always figured that we would be able to move closer at some point, and that I could learn to garden from Sheila or we could sew or quilt together.

Even from far away, Sheila became my second mom. I admired her creativity and many talents. She taught me so many things and was an example of resilience. When she was diagnosed with diabetes, she handled it as with so many other things. She educated herself and took care of the problem. Our visits, in addition to being filled with good food, pinochle, and laughter, started to include long walks to the park after dinner or in the morning.

I'm grateful for the chance to know Sheila and learn from her. I wish there had been more time. Remember the breakfast at Kith and Kin? Pancakes, with Sheila's special creative touch. What about the Kith and Kin cookbook, where she included ambitious recipes like "Stew-in-a-sleeping-bag-made-while-climbing-Half-Dome" or "rumaki-on-toast"?

And a couple more pictures that cannot be forgotten, where everyone has good memories of Sheila's enthusiasm and creativity.

We love you, Sheila!!!
