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When I think of Sheila, I will always remember...
Sheila Dill, Katie Dill, and Wayne Dill

This picture was taken June 24,2022 after a wonderful evening & following morning of visiting, sharing and being in the moment.

Sheila was officially my "step mother in law", and in my heart will always be Sheila-la!

I remember the first time meeting her right before Wayne and I married. From that first moment - we could talk, connect and appreciate each other -- just as we were. Over the years when we were together, we would share healthcare stories, what it meant to be creative, and enjoying sitting on a beautiful deck/patio taking in the beauty around -- and she with a cup of tea or a piece of dark, not milk chocolate.

I will remember Sheila too, was there for me when there were difficult times, never judging or fixing and giving space just to be.

I will remember how Sheila loved family and made those special Dill/Harrison Kith 'n Kin reunions memorable. Part of our family #DillsDo, is because of what she and Doug established so many years ago bringing family together.

I will remember how Sheila was published, polished and poised. I will remember when I learned she had a quick wit, fought for the underdog and welcomed everyone with her smile and a hug. Oh, and her laugh was so contagious.

With all the accolades, her connections and accomplishments I will remember Sheila was a human being first.

I will remember how very unexpectedly having to say goodbye and how it hurt. I will treasure the gift that I was able to express what Sheila meant to me personally and share my love with her. I'll never forget our last gaze as I said "I'll see you again - I love you!" and gave her a kiss. She shook her head and softly said "Yes we will. Love you."

I will remember a week later, being in Utah at Scheel's when I received a text from Abbi that Sheila died peacefully, surrounded by family & lots of love. I will remember that moment of standing still with Wayne as we hugged and cried, knowing her beauty would no longer grace this earth and for the gift that Sheila was in our lives.

I know I am better person today, because of Sheila's example of the life that can be lived - as a true authentic human being. I know when I say she is missed, I am not the only one. Until we met again - I love you Sheila-la!

Love, Katie